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Women’s Rights Day

Women's Rights Day[title text=”Since 1953″ tag_name=”h2″] [row] [col span=”4″ span__sm=”12″]

The story of Argiletz begins with the gestures of a resistant woman who treats the wounded of war during the Second World War, while France is occupied.

She provided clay care to wounded soldiers in the Jura forests. Listening only to her courage, her values, her willingness to help her neighbor and save her country, the mother of the founder of Argiletz is on the ground with the wounded of war. She helps in her benevolent way, with gentleness, the soldiers to recover.

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It is under the gaze of her son Jean that every day, she prepares her clay poultices.
In the forest, she applies them to the soldiers whom she relieves, comforts, and supports through her gestures, which are in fact, gestures of love.
She then lets the earth of green clay illite act to make its effects on their body than on their mind.

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Marked by his history in a tragic period, Jean HEITZ will create 10 years later, in 1953, the company ARGILETZ in memory of his mother.
And He will never cease to want to give clay the place it deserves.

The bonds he had with his mother, the daily gestures of the latter will have created in Jean HEITZ a real passion for clay. Like his mother, he is deeply convinced of the links between man and the earth, the importance of values and transmission. He knows that the earth provides its blessings to human beings, like a mother to her children. He knows the powers of clay as soon as it comes into contact with water. This matter has no more secrets for him. His mother passed everything on to him: respect for the earth, knowledge of rocks. But above all his mother has lavished gestures of love that he wishes to continue to transmit.

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Since 1953, it is this same breath that animates Argiletz, the breath of freedom, benevolence, links between peoples.
Clay is a miracle of nature singing its power of its beauty.
Respect for women and mothers, heroines too often forgotten, respect for the rights of the child too often flouted and respect for the land are intrinsic values of ARGILETZ.

Clay is a gesture of love, and Argiletz has been passing it on since 1953

Discover the actions supported by Argiletz:

Where does the name ARGILETZ come from?
The name of our brand Argiletz is from the contraction of the word “Argile” (Clay en French) and the last two letters of the name of our founder (Mr. Heitz)!