Essential Oils

[section padding=”0px” video_visibility=”visible” class=”home-slider”] [ux_banner height=”150px” bg=”20815″ bg_overlay=”rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.02)” bg_pos=”58% 63%” hover=”glow”] [text_box width__sm=”60″ position_x=”50″ position_y=”50″] [/text_box] [/ux_banner] [/section] [section video_visibility=”visible” class=”magazine-actu”] [row width=”full-width”] [col span=”2″ span__sm=”12″] [/col] [col span=”8″ span__sm=”12″] [ux_text text_align=”center”]

Guide to Essential Oils

Want to use essential oils, but you do not know how? Argiletz tells you all about the use of the most common essential oils.With argiletz’s simples, the simple ones become simple as hello! [/ux_text] [/col] [col span=”2″ span__sm=”12″] [/col] [/row] [row col_style=”dashed”] [col span=”4″ span__sm=”12″] [ux_banner height=”200px” bg=”20817″ hover=”zoom” link=”#citron”] [text_box position_x=”50″ position_y=”50″] [/text_box] [/ux_banner] [/col] [col span=”4″ span__sm=”12″] [ux_banner height=”200px” bg=”20821″ hover=”zoom” link=”#gaultherie”] [text_box position_x=”50″ position_y=”50″] [/text_box] [/ux_banner] [/col] [col span=”4″ span__sm=”12″] [ux_banner height=”200px” bg=”20824″ hover=”zoom” link=”#helichryse”] [text_box position_x=”50″ position_y=”50″] [/text_box] [/ux_banner] [/col] [col span=”4″ span__sm=”12″] [ux_banner height=”200px” bg=”20826″ hover=”zoom” link=”#lavande”] [text_box position_x=”50″ position_y=”50″] [/text_box] [/ux_banner] [/col] [col span=”4″ span__sm=”12″] [ux_banner height=”200px” bg=”20828″ hover=”zoom” link=”#menthe”] [text_box position_x=”50″ position_y=”50″] [/text_box] [/ux_banner] [/col] [col span=”4″ span__sm=”12″] [ux_banner height=”200px” bg=”20831″ hover=”zoom” link=”#orange”] [text_box position_x=”50″ position_y=”50″] [/text_box] [/ux_banner] [/col] [/row] [row col_style=”dashed”] [col span=”4″ span__sm=”12″] [/col] [col span=”4″ span__sm=”12″] [ux_banner height=”200px” bg=”20833″ hover=”zoom” link=”#tea”] [text_box position_x=”50″ position_y=”50″] [/text_box] [/ux_banner] [/col] [col span=”4″ span__sm=”12″] [/col] [/row] [/section] [section video_visibility=”visible” class=”magazine-actu”] [row width=”full-width”] [col span=”2″ span__sm=”12″] [/col] [col span=”8″ span__sm=”12″]

Lemon Zest

Latin name: Citrus limon (L.) Osbeck

It is believed to have an Asian origin, more precisely from the cashmere region, on the borders of China and India. Derived from the cross between bitter orange and cedrat, lemon tree is a hybrid tree. Today, this shrub is grown in subtropical Mediterranean climates. In the lemon everything is good! If the essential oil is mainly contained in the bark of the fruit (or pericarp), it is also found in the leaves. Lemon zest essential oil is often used to clean up the atmosphere. It would also be of great help in case of diet, cellulite, water retention and for the liver. Be careful, however, because this essential oil is photosensitizing.

[title text=”The virtues * regularly cited of the essential oil of lemon zest:”] [featured_box img=”20836″ img_width=”129″ pos=”left”]


  • Would be antiseptic and antibacterial
[/featured_box] [gap height=”40px”] [featured_box img=”20838″ img_width=”129″ pos=”left” margin=”0px 0px 0px 0px”]


  • Would help strengthen the digestive system and fight against heartburn sensations.
  • Natural antispasmodic, it would help fight against feelings of nausea, unhappiness, difficult digestion and vomiting.
  • Would have a hypotensive and vasodilatory action. Would promote blood circulation, especially in case of rosacea.
  • Diuretic, would help with elimination through the urinary tract.
  • Would help with the destocking of fats and drainage.
  • Would have an antioxidant action
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  • Would have a nervous regulatory action, it would help to fight against fatigue and to regain the smile.
[/featured_box] [gap] [title text=”Popular uses*:”]

  • Oral hygiene:
    1 drop directly on the toothpaste to fight against bad breath and small oral injuries.

  • Transportation sickness:
    Lemon essential oil would relieve by breathing deeply 3 to 4 times the bottle of essential oil.

  • Perfume food:
    a drop of essential oil in a plain yogurt or in your cake dough or shortbread dough to perfume everything, naturally.
  • Used in diffusion to perfume the house:

    in a cup, pour powdered clay and then add a few drops of the essential oil.

*Based on literature. These examples, information and advice are given for information only. They come from the compilation of specialized articles, books or websites specialized in aromatherapy. Argiletz will not be liable for your use of this information or our products. Argiletz is no substitute for health professionals. We recommend that you systematically consult a doctor, pharmacist or any other health professional before any use, whether prolonged or for therapeutic use of essential oils. The same goes for you to have known symptoms or pathologies.

[title text=”General dosage in adults:”] [featured_box img_width=”129″ pos=”left” margin=”0px 0px 0px 0px”]


  • 1 to 2 drops to be deposited on a neutral support (sugar, honey, bread crumb).
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  • Be careful, the essential oil of lemon zest is photo sensitizing, do not use before exposure to the sun! Irritating, always use diluted to 10% (1 ml* of lemon zest essential oil in 9 ml of vegetable oil).
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In broadcast

  • For adults and children over 6 years old: 5 to 10 drops in an atmospheric diffuser respecting the broadcast time limit (often 1/4 hour).
[/featured_box] [gap]

All our precautions of use on essential oils here.

[title text=”Dosage and equivalent:”]

1ml = 35 drops

3 drops = 1% in a dilution made in 10ml of vegetable oil

[title text=”bibliography:”]

Dr Telphon, ABC of Essential Oils

Dr. Jean Valnet Aromatherapy

Dr Françoise Couic Marinier and Dr Anthony Touboul, Le Guide Terre Vivante des huiles essentiels

Dominique Baudoux, Essential oils – 2000 years of aromatherapeutic discoveries for a medicine of the future

Dominique Baudoux, Les cahiers pratiques de l’aromathérapie française – Pédiatrie

Dominique Baudoux, Aromatherapy – Treating yourself with essential oils

Danièle Festy, My Bible of Essential Oils

Pierre Franchomme, Roger Jollois and Daniel Pénoël, Aromatherapy exactly

Nerys Purchon, The Bible of Aromatherapy

Nelly Grosjean, Aromatherapy

Aroma-News newsletters from the NARD association

  1. Ro-ro, Essential oils for your health

Christian Duraffourd, Jean-Claude Lapraz, Traité de phytothérapie clinique

Fine lavender

Latin name: Lavandula angustifolia

The true lavender or fine lavender, from its Latin name Lavandula angustifolia is a perennial species that grows in the dry regions of southern France in particular. It originates in the western Mediterranean basin and was already used in Roman times to preserve and perfume linen. In the Middle Ages, we finally see the appearance of the term “lavender”, from the Latin “lavare” which means to wash. In other words, even then, its delicate smell seduced many of our ancestors.

[title text=”The virtues* regularly cited of the essential oil of fine lavender:”] [featured_box img=”20838″ img_width=”129″ pos=”left” margin=”0px 0px 0px 0px”]


  • Muscle relaxation: Would be antispasmodic, it would fight against involuntary contractions of muscles.
  • Immune system: Reportedly an action on the inflammatory process and an anti-infectious action.
  • Fungi and molds: Would have a fungal and fungistatic action
  • Parasites: (antiparasitic) would fight against certain protozoa and parasites, including lice and ticks.
  • Would have a vasodilatory and hypotensive action: could help in case of cardiovascular problems.
  • Would help with healing by regenerating the skin.
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  • Would have a sedative and calming action, would help in a better concentration and resistance to stress.
[/featured_box] [gap] [title text=”Popular uses*:”]

To fight against lice (from 6 years old):
10 drops per 10 ml of vegetable oil of your choice. Spread over the hair and keep in place for 2 hours under a towel, before proceeding to the shampoo.

For skin problems:
It would seem that lavender essential oil, due to its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and healing properties is an ally in the fight against skin problems such as acne. It is used on a cotton swab: 1 drop of lavender essential oil to be applied directly to the button.

– For scars:
This true lavender oil would do wonders associated with helichryse essential oil to alleviate scars (already closed and formed). The recipe: 5 ml of rosehip oil + 1 drop of lavender essential oil and 1 drop of helichryse essential oil. Massage the mixture on the area once or twice a day.

To perfume and purify the air:
in diffusion in the house or on a cloth in the cabinets. It is also possible to create your homemade odor absorbent.

The recipe: pour powdered clay into a cup, then add a few drops of lavender essential oil.

For a moment of relaxation:
a few drops in the bath.

*Based on literature. These examples, information and advice are given for information only. They come from the compilation of specialized articles, books or websites specialized in aromatherapy. Argiletz will not be liable for your use of this information or our products. Argiletz is no substitute for health professionals. We recommend that you systematically consult a doctor, pharmacist or any other health professional before any use, whether prolonged or for therapeutic use of essential oils. The same goes for you to have known symptoms or pathologies.

[title text=”General dosage in adults:”] [featured_box img_width=”129″ pos=”left” margin=”0px 0px 0px 0px”]


  • 1 to 2 drops to be deposited on a neutral support (sugar, honey, bread crumb).
[/featured_box] [row_inner] [col_inner span=”3″ span__sm=”6″] [ux_image id=”20842″ width=”60″] [/col_inner] [col_inner span=”3″ span__sm=”6″] [ux_image id=”20844″ width=”60″] [/col_inner] [col_inner span=”3″ span__sm=”6″] [ux_image id=”20846″ width=”60″] [/col_inner] [col_inner span=”3″ span__sm=”6″] [ux_image id=”20848″ width=”60″] [/col_inner] [/row_inner] [featured_box img_width=”129″ pos=”left” margin=”0px 0px 0px 0px”]


  • You can apply 2-3 drops in local application on the affected area.
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In broadcast for adults and children over 6 years old

  • 5 to 10 drops in an atmospheric diffuser respecting the diffusion time limit (often 1/4 hour)
[/featured_box] [gap]

All our precautions of use on essential oils here

[title text=”Dosage and equivalent:”]

1ml = 35 drops

3 drops = 1% in a dilution made in 10ml of vegetable oil

[title text=”bibliography:”]

Dr Telphon, ABC of Essential Oils

Dr. Jean Valnet Aromatherapy

Dr Françoise Couic Marinier and Dr Anthony Touboul, Le Guide Terre Vivante des huiles essentiels

Dominique Baudoux, Essential oils – 2000 years of aromatherapeutic discoveries for a medicine of the future

Dominique Baudoux, Les cahiers pratiques de l’aromathérapie française – Pédiatrie

Dominique Baudoux, Aromatherapy – Treating yourself with essential oils

Danièle Festy, My Bible of Essential Oils

Pierre Franchomme, Roger Jollois and Daniel Pénoël, Aromatherapy exactly

Nerys Purchon, The Bible of Aromatherapy

Nelly Grosjean, Aromatherapy

Aroma-News newsletters from the NARD association

  1. Ro-ro, Essential oils for your health

J.P Guenot, Understanding clay natural and mysterious earth

Christian Duraffourd, Jean-Claude Lapraz, Traité de phytothérapie clinique

Tea tree

Latin name: Melaleuca alternifolia

Essential for aromatherapy, the essential oil of tee tree or tea tree is native to Australia. It has been used by aborigines for millennia for its purifying virtues.

[title text=”Here are the virtues* regularly lent to tea tree essential oil:”] [featured_box img=”20838″ img_width=”129″ pos=”left” margin=”0px 0px 0px 0px”]
  • It would strengthen and stimulate the immune system (anti-infective, antiviral)
  • Mycoses and fungi: would be antifungal
  • Antiparasitic it would fight against intestinal and skin parasites: scabies, ringworm, lice and ticks in particular.
[/featured_box] [gap] [title text=”Popular uses*:”]

Relieve dental pain:
by applying a drop of Tea Tree essential oil to the toothpaste with each toothbrush (3 times a day)

Would help fight against lice:
Mixed with lavender essential oil, the mixture would overcome these little beasts. The recipe: 1 drop of tea tree essential oil and 1 drop of lavender essential oil mixed in a conditioner.

Relieve cold sores:
Used pure, in direct application, 5 times a day.

Would fight against nail fungus:
1 drop of tea tree essential oil mixed with 2 ml of calophyll vegetable oil, applied in massage on the area.

*Based on literature. These examples, information and advice are given for information only. They come from the compilation of specialized articles, books or websites specialized in aromatherapy. Argiletz will not be liable for your use of this information or our products. Argiletz is no substitute for health professionals. We recommend that you systematically consult a doctor, pharmacist or any other health professional before any use, whether prolonged or for therapeutic use of essential oils. The same goes for you to have known symptoms or pathologies.

[title text=”General dosage in adults:”] [featured_box img_width=”129″ pos=”left” margin=”0px 0px 0px 0px”]


  • 1 to 2 drops to be deposited on a neutral support (sugar, honey, bread crumb).
[/featured_box] [row_inner] [col_inner span=”3″ span__sm=”6″] [ux_image id=”20842″ width=”60″] [/col_inner] [col_inner span=”3″ span__sm=”6″] [ux_image id=”20844″ width=”60″] [/col_inner] [col_inner span=”3″ span__sm=”6″] [ux_image id=”20846″ width=”60″] [/col_inner] [col_inner span=”3″ span__sm=”6″] [ux_image id=”20848″ width=”60″] [/col_inner] [/row_inner] [gap] [featured_box img=”20856″ img_width=”129″ pos=”left” margin=”0px 0px 0px 0px”]


  • You can apply 1 pure drop in local application to the affected area, otherwise, dilute to 5% in vegetable oil.
[/featured_box] [gap] [featured_box img=”20836″ img_width=”129″ pos=”left” margin=”0px 0px 0px 0px”]

In broadcast for adults and children over 6 years old

  • 5 to 10 drops in an atmospheric diffuser respecting the broadcast time limit (often 1/4 hour).
[/featured_box] [gap] [title text=”dosage:”]

1 ml = 35 drops

3 drops = 1% dilution in 10 ml of vegetable oil)

[title text=”bibliography:”]

Dr Telphon, ABC of Essential Oils

Dr. Jean Valnet Aromatherapy

Dr Françoise Couic Marinier and Dr Anthony Touboul, Le Guide Terre Vivante des huiles essentiels

Dominique Baudoux, Essential oils – 2000 years of aromatherapeutic discoveries for a medicine of the future

Dominique Baudoux, Les cahiers pratiques de l’aromathérapie française – Pédiatrie

Dominique Baudoux, Aromatherapy – Treating yourself with essential oils

Danièle Festy, My Bible of Essential Oils

Pierre Franchomme, Roger Jollois and Daniel Pénoël, Aromatherapy exactly

Nerys Purchon, The Bible of Aromatherapy

Nelly Grosjean, Aromatherapy

Aroma-News newsletters from the NARD association

  1. Ro-ro, Essential oils for your health

Christian Duraffourd, Jean-Claude Lapraz, Traité de phytothérapie clinique

sweet orange

Latin name: Citrus aurantium

Originally from China, the orange arrived in Europe at the beginning of the sixteenth century. She can now boast of being loved by all. Its fruity and delicious fragrance awakens your senses and brings comfort.

[title text=”The virtues and popular uses* regularly cited of the essential oil of sweet orange:”] [featured_box img=”20836″ img_width=”129″ pos=”left” margin=”0px 0px 0px 0px”]

In broadcast

  • Would have an antiviral, bactericidal and sanitizing action: It would help in particular to disinfect the air in diffusion.
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  • Reportedly a carminative action: helps to facilitate digestion and eliminate intestinal gases.
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  • Would have a calming and sedative action: would help in particular to calm anxiety, nervousness and insomnia.
[/featured_box] [gap] [title text=”Popular uses*:”]

Relieve stress: By mixing equally with Roman chamomile essential oil, to be applied to the inner hollow of the wrist. This mixture would relieve stress and nervousness.

Sanitized the mouth: 3 drops of sweet orange essential oil in a tablespoon of alcohol, used as a mouthwash.

Would be ideal in detox cure: Being diuretic, the essential oil of sweet orange can easily replace that of lemon for a detox cure.

To perfume your dishes: depending on the recipes

To perfume your interior: in diffusion to purify the air and offer a relaxing effect.

*Based on literature. These examples, information and advice are given for information only. They come from the compilation of specialized articles, books or websites specialized in aromatherapy. Argiletz will not be liable for your use of this information or our products. Argiletz is no substitute for health professionals. We recommend that you systematically consult a doctor, pharmacist or any other health professional before any use, whether prolonged or for therapeutic use of essential oils. Similarly if you present known symptoms or pathologies.

[title text=”General dosage in adults:”] [featured_box img_width=”129″ pos=”left” margin=”0px 0px 0px 0px”]


  • 1 to 2 drops to be deposited on a neutral support (sugar, honey, bread crumb).
[/featured_box] [row_inner] [col_inner span=”3″ span__sm=”6″] [ux_image id=”20866″ width=”60″] [/col_inner] [col_inner span=”3″ span__sm=”6″] [ux_image id=”20844″ width=”60″] [/col_inner] [col_inner span=”3″ span__sm=”6″] [ux_image id=”20846″ width=”60″] [/col_inner] [col_inner span=”3″ span__sm=”6″] [ux_image id=”20848″ width=”60″] [/col_inner] [/row_inner] [featured_box img=”20836″ img_width=”129″ pos=”left” margin=”0px 0px 0px 0px”]

In broadcast for adults and children over 6 years old

  • Respect the advice of the manufacturer of the atmospheric diffuser and the broadcast time limit (often 1/4 hour).
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  • We advise you to dilute the essential oil to 5% in a vegetable oil and massage the solar plexus – be careful: photosensitizing and allergic risk!
[/featured_box] [gap]

All our precautions of use on essential oils here.

[title text=”dosage:”]

1 ml = 35 drops

3 drops = 1% dilution in 10 ml of vegetable oil)

[title text=”bibliography:”]

Dr Telphon, ABC of Essential Oils

Dr. Jean Valnet Aromatherapy

Dr Françoise Couic Marinier and Dr Anthony Touboul, Le Guide Terre Vivante des huiles essentiels

Dominique Baudoux, Essential oils – 2000 years of aromatherapeutic discoveries for a medicine of the future

Dominique Baudoux, Les cahiers pratiques de l’aromathérapie française – Pédiatrie

Dominique Baudoux, Aromatherapy – Treating yourself with essential oils

Danièle Festy, My Bible of Essential Oils

Pierre Franchomme, Roger Jollois and Daniel Pénoël, Aromatherapy exactly

Nerys Purchon, The Bible of Aromatherapy

Nelly Grosjean, Aromatherapy

Aroma-News newsletters from the NARD association

  1. Ro-ro, Essential oils for your health

Christian Duraffourd, Jean-Claude Lapraz, Traité de phytothérapie clinique


Latin name: Mentha x piperita L.

Used as a condiment, as well as in ornament or phytotherapy, peppermint has been an indispensable since antiquity. It is attributed to invigorating, stimulating and digestive virtues. Its peppery smell and cold effect make it one of the most commonly used essential oils. Be careful though because this essence, although very common, is very powerful and must be used with caution.

[title text=”The virtues and popular uses* regularly cited of peppermint essential oil:”] [featured_box img=”20838″ img_width=”129″ pos=”left” margin=”0px 0px 0px 0px”]


  • Would have a local analgesic action: By giving off a feeling of cold that would engulf the pain. It would be ideal in case of headaches and migraine.
  • Would be invigorating and stimulating: It would help in particular to fight against fatigue and in particular nervous fatigue thanks to its cardiotonic action.
  • Would have an antibacterial and antiviral action: pulmonary, digestive and urinary systems and herpes.
  • Would have an antifungal action: would help fight against lung, skin and candidiasis infections.
  • Small itching: Would have an antipruritic action that would engour the sensation of itching.
  • Digestion: Would have an antispasmodic and digestive action, it would help to relieve feelings of nausea and digestive problems.
  • Respiratory tract: Would have an anti-inflammatory and decongestant action, it would help to clear the respiratory tract.
  • Would be insect repellent: It would help repel insects.
  • Would have a hormonal regulatory action.
[/featured_box] [gap] [title text=”Popular uses*:”]
  • Relieves transport sickness: by breathing deeply 3 to 4 times the bottle of peppermint essential oil.
  • Would facilitate breathing: a drop on a handkerchief mix with a drop of essential oil of eucalyptus, niaouli or Ravinstara.
  • To perfume your dishes: depending on the recipes.
  • In broadcast

*Based on literature. These examples, information and advice are given for information only. They come from the compilation of specialized articles, books or websites specialized in aromatherapy. Argiletz will not be liable for your use of this information or our products. Argiletz is no substitute for health professionals. We recommend that you systematically consult a doctor, pharmacist or any other health professional before any use, whether prolonged or for therapeutic use of essential oils. The same goes for you to have known symptoms or pathologies.

[title text=”General dosage in adults:”] [featured_box img_width=”129″ pos=”left” margin=”0px 0px 0px 0px”]


  • 1 to 2 drops to be deposited on a neutral support (sugar, honey, bread crumb).
[/featured_box] [row_inner] [col_inner span=”3″ span__sm=”6″] [ux_image id=”20842″ width=”60″] [/col_inner] [col_inner span=”3″ span__sm=”6″] [ux_image id=”20844″ width=”60″] [/col_inner] [col_inner span=”3″ span__sm=”6″] [ux_image id=”20846″ width=”60″] [/col_inner] [col_inner span=”3″ span__sm=”6″] [ux_image id=”20848″ width=”60″] [/col_inner] [/row_inner] [featured_box img_width=”129″ pos=”left” margin=”0px 0px 0px 0px”]


  • You can apply 1-2 drops in local application on the affected area.
[/featured_box] [gap]

All our precautions of use on essential oils here.

[title text=”dosage:”]

1 ml = 35 drops

3 drops = 1% dilution in 10 ml of vegetable oil

[title text=”bibliography:”]

Dr Telphon, ABC of Essential Oils

Dr. Jean Valnet Aromatherapy

Dr Françoise Couic Marinier and Dr Anthony Touboul, Le Guide Terre Vivante des huiles essentiels

Dominique Baudoux, Essential oils – 2000 years of aromatherapeutic discoveries for a medicine of the future

Dominique Baudoux, Les cahiers pratiques de l’aromathérapie française – Pédiatrie

Dominique Baudoux, Aromatherapy – Treating yourself with essential oils

Danièle Festy, My Bible of Essential Oils

Pierre Franchomme, Roger Jollois and Daniel Pénoël, Aromatherapy exactly

Nerys Purchon, The Bible of Aromatherapy

Nelly Grosjean, Aromatherapy

Aroma-News newsletters from the NARD association

  1. Ro-ro, Essential oils for your health

Christian Duraffourd, Jean-Claude Lapraz, Traité de phytothérapie clinique

Helichrysum / Immortal

Latin name: Helichrysum Italicum

Plant native to the Mediterranean rim, the Helichrysum or also called “Immortelle” offers us an essential oil at the same time very rare (very low yield of 1%) and very powerful. It is sometimes called the “super arnica”.

It is an ideal essential oil for well-being and immune comfort on a daily basis.

[title text=”Popular uses* of immortelle/ helichrysum essential oil:”] [featured_box img=”20838″ img_width=”129″ pos=”left” margin=”0px 0px 0px 0px”]
  • Relieve blows and bumps: mix 1 drop of helichryse essential oil in 5 drops of oily arnica macerate, then massage the area. This mixture would soothe your little daily worries. From 6 years old.

    The plus: It is possible to apply a green clay poultice upstream to soothe durably and stimulate cell regeneration (be careful never to mix essential oil and clay and always apply the clay on clean skin to avoid the risk of irritation).

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  • Would fight against rosacea/ rosacea: Thanks to a mixture of 15 drops of helichryse essential oil in 50 ml of neutral moisturizer.
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  • Would help to heal a small bobo or a small cut: 1 drop of pure helichryse essential oil, to be applied locally.
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  • Would help alleviate a closed scar: 1 drop of Helichrysum essential oil in 4 drops of calophyll vegetable oil. Massage locally 3 times a day.
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  • Would help recover from a strain or sprain: Mix 1 drop of Helichrysum essential oil in 5 drops of oily arnica macerate in localized massage.
[/featured_box] [gap]

*Based on literature. These examples, information and advice are given for information only. They come from the compilation of specialized articles, books or websites specialized in aromatherapy. Argiletz will not be liable for your use of this information or our products. Argiletz is no substitute for health professionals. We recommend that you systematically consult a doctor, pharmacist or any other health professional before any use, whether prolonged or for therapeutic use of essential oils. The same goes for you to have known symptoms or pathologies.

[title text=”General dosage in adults:”] [featured_box img=”20850″ img_width=”129″ pos=”left” margin=”0px 0px 0px 0px”]


  • only on medical prescription.
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  • 1-2 drops in local application, if the area is extensive, always dilute to maximum 10% in botanical oil.
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In broadcast for adults and children over 6 years old

  • inadvisable.
[/featured_box] [gap]

All our precautions of use on essential oils here.

[title text=”dosage:”]

1 ml = 35 drops

3 drops = 1% dilution in 10 ml of botanical oil

[title text=”bibliography:”]

Dr Telphon, ABC of Essential Oils

Dr. Jean Valnet Aromatherapy

Dr Françoise Couic Marinier and Dr Anthony Touboul, Le Guide Terre Vivante des huiles essentiels

Dominique Baudoux, Essential oils – 2000 years of aromatherapeutic discoveries for a medicine of the future

Dominique Baudoux, Les cahiers pratiques de l’aromathérapie française – Pédiatrie

Dominique Baudoux, Aromatherapy – Treating yourself with essential oils

Danièle Festy, My Bible of Essential Oils

Pierre Franchomme, Roger Jollois and Daniel Pénoël, Aromatherapy exactly

Nerys Purchon, The Bible of Aromatherapy

Nelly Grosjean, Aromatherapy

Aroma-News newsletters from the NARD association

  1. Ro-ro, Essential oils for your health

Christian Duraffourd, Jean-Claude Lapraz, Traité de phytothérapie clinique

Recumbent Wintergree

Latin name: Gaultheria Procubens

Also called “tea of the woods” or “Wintergreen”, the essential oil of Gaultheria has been known in pharmacopoeia since the dawn of time. The Amerindians used it against pain and fever.

Even today, the gaultheria is an essential of any good Aroma library that respects itself!

[title text=”Popular uses* of Recumbent Wintergree essential oil:”]

  • Would help relieve body aches:
    3 drops of wintergree essential oil in 1 ml of oily arnica macerate. Gently massage the area. This action would result in relieving the sensation left by the aches.

  • Would help relieve blows / bruises / bumps:
    3 drops of wintergrein essential oil in 1 ml of oily arnica macerate. Gently massage the area. This action would result in relieving discomfort.

*Based on literature. These examples, information and advice are given for information only. They come from the compilation of specialized articles, books or websites specialized in aromatherapy. Argiletz will not be liable for your use of this information or our products. Argiletz is no substitute for health professionals. We recommend that you systematically consult a doctor, pharmacist or any other health professional before any use, whether prolonged or for therapeutic use of essential oils. The same goes for you to have known symptoms or pathologies.

[title text=”General dosage in adults:”] [featured_box img=”20873″ img_width=”129″ pos=”left” margin=”0px 0px 0px 0px”]


  • Prohibited.
[/featured_box] [gap] [featured_box img=”20868″ img_width=”129″ pos=”left” margin=”0px 0px 0px 0px”]


  • Irritating, always use diluted to 10% (1 ml of wintergrein essential oil in 9 ml of vegetable oil).
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In broadcast

  • Prohibited.
[/featured_box] [gap]

All our precautions of use on essential oils here.

[title text=”dosage:”]

1 ml = 35 drops

3 drops = 1% dilution in 10 ml of vegetable oil)

[title text=”bibliography:”]

Dr Telphon, ABC of Essential Oils

Dr. Jean Valnet Aromatherapy

Dr Françoise Couic Marinier and Dr Anthony Touboul, Le Guide Terre Vivante des huiles essentiels

Dominique Baudoux, Essential oils – 2000 years of aromatherapeutic discoveries for a medicine of the future

Dominique Baudoux, Les cahiers pratiques de l’aromathérapie française – Pédiatrie

Dominique Baudoux, Aromatherapy – Treating yourself with essential oils

Danièle Festy, My Bible of Essential Oils

Pierre Franchomme, Roger Jollois and Daniel Pénoël, Aromatherapy exactly

Nerys Purchon, The Bible of Aromatherapy

Nelly Grosjean, Aromatherapy

Aroma-News newsletters from the NARD association

  1. Ro-ro, Essential oils for your health

Christian Duraffourd, Jean-Claude Lapraz, Traité de phytothérapie clinique

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