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How to make a clay poultice?

comment faire un cataplasme d'argile

Well known and appreciated throughout the world, clay is probably one of the most popular rocks in natural cosmetics. If green clay is by far the most used, clay offers an amazing color palette such as white, red, pink, yellow clay or ghassoul. The most surprising: each of them has its own properties. Beyond the benefits of this mineral earth for skin and hair, clay has been used for centuries for its benefits on the body, muscles and joints, through a poultice application. What is the clay poultice? How and why to apply it? We give you all the keys to enjoy this ancestral treatment!

[title text=”What is the clay poultice?” tag_name=”h2″]

The clay poultice is a very popular technique – a real grandmother’s remedy! – which is transmitted from generation to generation to take care of the body as a whole. It aims to apply a thick layer of clay to an uncomfortable or painful area of the body in order to relieve, reduce inflammation and stimulate healing.
Also called “plasters”, clay poultices can be used on different parts of the body, and more commonly on the feet, legs, arms, shoulders, back and abdominal area.
The poultice is a 100% natural and no-frills treatment. It can therefore be applied regardless of age.

[title text=”Which clay to use for a poultice?” tag_name=”h2″]

To prepare a clay poultice, green clay is by far the most used and recommended clay for this type of application. Rich in minerals and trace elements such as silica, iron, potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium, it is also known for its many absorbent, soothing, restorative, anti-inflammatory properties… As you will have understood, green clay is a mineral rock with many facets.

For an effective care, it is advisable to choose a green clay of quality, pure and French. Our illite green clay is selected for its incomparable quality. In addition to being 100% French, it is delicately dried in the sun, a drying method that we have always applied and of which we are proud! What for? Because this method of drying is the only one to preserve all the virtues of clay without distorting it. This is part of what makes it UNIQUE and INCOMPARABLE!

[title text=”How to prepare and apply the clay poultice?” tag_name=”h2″] [title text=”Preparation”]

To prepare the clay poultice, you can use ready-made clay paste or opt for powdered or grained clay.

Did you know that? Our green clay is available in different grain sizes. This ranges from very fine grain that melts instantly to raw grain of 2cm that requires several hours in contact with water before forming a creamy paste. Each need has its own particle size! To help you choose the one you need, do not hesitate to consult our page on the different particle sizes of our green clay illite .

If you choose a tube or pot of clay paste, no preparation will be necessary : the paste offers an ideal consistency for easy and quick application. If you opt for powdered clay, an upstream preparation will be necessary. You can prepare the exact amount of clay you need depending on the size of the area on which the poultice will be applied.

To prepare your clay paste, nothing could be simpler ! Above all, it is necessary to bring a bowl and a spoon made of glass, earth or ceramic and not metal because the latter denatures the clay.

Pour the clay powder into a container, before adding water (preferably mineral) little by little, letting the clay soak as you go. Mix with a wooden spoon to obtain a smooth, homogeneous paste that is neither too liquid nor too thick. The paste must be firm and consistent so that it can be easily applied while holding correctly on the desired area. You can also add essential oils like wintergreen recumbent, vegetable oils, and even floral waters to increase the benefits.

[title text=”Mode of application”]

Once the mixture is ready, the application of the poultice is very simple. Simply spread with your fingers or a spatula, a thick layer of clay (about 2cm) on the desired area. Next, cover the dough with a thin, damp cloth, such as a cloth or gauze, to prevent the clay from drying too quickly. You can finally wrap it with a strip if the area allows it, in order to hold the poultice in place.

Did you  know? Contrary to popular belief, clay should never dry once it is applied. It is a living mineral matter, which acts in contact with water and transmits all its minerals when wet.

The exposure time must be at least 20 minutes and never more than 4 hours. Then gently remove the poultice, making sure to remove as much clay as possible before rinsing the area with warm water.

You can renew the application of a poultice 3x a day until the desired result is obtained. It should be noted, however, that the clay paste, once it has been applied, cannot be reused a second time. It should be discarded and a new clay paste should be prepared.