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Argiletz honored by CNews!


As a pioneering brand in the world of clay, we are committed to making the countless benefits of clay known to as many people as possible.
Today, we are proud to be honored in an article published by the famous media CNEWS. Enough to give clay the place it deserves!

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During an exclusive interview with our General Manager Nadia Heitz and Laurent, our pharmacist and Quality Director, we reveal a little more behind the scenes of our brand: our commitments, our latest projects, our contributions…

The family TPE has been able to promote natural clay-based products.

More than a committed player for natural beauty, we have chosen to turn to respect: for your body, the living, the environment and the natural materials we use every day.

This is exactly what we wanted to convey in this article. Thank you to the CNEWS team for this nice highlight!

Find the full article here:

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