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What night routine for my skin?

routine nuit pour une peau de velours

Your skin also needs rest! The products you will apply before you sleep, will help you look good all day long. What night routine to adopt to have glowing skin? Close-up!

Taking care of your skin is essential. And at night, our skin will renew itself,far from external aggressions! It’s a good time to get a makeover! What care should you take? What are the things to do? Here are all the tips for having an ideal night routine!

[title text=”First step of the night routine: make-up removal” tag_name=”h2″]

1 woman out of 4 admits to zapping completely this step… However, it is essential to remove your make-up every night before sleeping. Make-up removal is essential to look good!

Especially during the day, our skin is exposed to a whole bunch of external aggressions (wind, pollution, cold, hot …) and cosmetic residues! It is therefore necessary to remove make-up every night to remove the impurities and prevent your skin from damaging. This gesture should become a reflex,just like brushing your teeth or taking a shower.

[ux_products style=”normal” ids=”338″] [title text=”For a good night routine: cleanse your skin” tag_name=”h2″]

Once the make-up remover is done, it is important to thoroughly cleanse your face. Floral water, face cleanser of your choice, clay… It’s up to you to choose the product that works best for your skin! Thanks to this step, you will be able to say goodbye to your little buttons and impurities!

[title text=”The night cream” tag_name=”h2″]

Once you have no makeup and your face is all clean! All you have to do is apply your night cream! It will allow you to moisturize your skin deeply during your sleep,and look better when you wake up! Isn’t that great?

Apply it every night, gently with your fingertips on your face, while massaging lightly!

[ux_products style=”normal” ids=”332″] [title text=”Opt for the right toothpaste in your night routine” tag_name=”h2″]

You are almost ready to go to bed,there is only one step left: brushing your teeth!

If it is recommended to brush your teeth three minutes after each meal, it is also important to have a good toothpaste,able to take care of your teeth and gums.

Rich in trace elements and green clay, aloe vera toothpaste will restore strength to your gums,while making your mouth healthy!

[ux_products style=”normal” ids=”255″]

And there’s something for everyone! It’s up to you to choose the toothpaste that suits you best, depending on your needs and desires.