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Recipe of green clay purifying mask


Among the timeless treatments that can easily fit into a beauty routine and this, all year round, the purifying face mask is definitely the one you should choose! Ideal regardless of the season, it aims to thoroughly cleanse the skin and sanitize it, so that the grain is smoother and sharper. Made with100% natural and healthy ingredients for your skin, our home-made purifying mask recipe is easy to make for a result that will appeal to you for sure.

[title text=”What ingredients to make this purifying mask?” tag_name=”h2″]

As you know, we attach great importance to having your skin (this also applies to your hair and body!) to be nourished with ingredients that wish you well. That’s why this recipe consists of natural ingredients that are easy to find. It only takes a few minutes to prepare this mask and you will need only a few materials: an earth or glass bowl, a wooden spatula and you’re done.


  • 2 tablespoons green clay
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon liquid honey Mineral water
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Mix all the ingredients in the bowl until the dough is smooth, homogeneous and liquid enough to be applied to your face with your fingers. If you don’t havepowdered green clay,you can replace it with ready-to-use clay. In this case, the proportion of mineral water added to the different ingredients will have to be reduced.

Once the preparation is complete, spread a thin layer of dough over your entire face, except around the eyes, and let the mask work for 10 to 15 minutes. Be careful not to let the mask dry,at the risk that the clay will lose some of its benefits. To do this, bring a mist or a wet sponge that you can keep handy.

Finally, when the time is up, rinse your skin thoroughly with clear water and admire the result!

[title text=”What are the effects on the skin?” tag_name=”h2″]

Illite green clay is a natural rock known around the world for its benefits on the skin. It absorbs excess sebum,removes impurities and remineralizes the epidermis. It also acts on the complexion, which it standardizes and helps tighten dilated pores.

Lemon juice has purifyingproperties. Its acidity helps regulate the production of sebum and fights against blackheads.

Honey is known for its purifying and moisturizingaction. Rich in minerals and vitamins, its nickname “nectar of the gods” speaks volumes about the various benefits for the skin.

We advise you to make this mask once a week and to associate it with our pink clay day cream.

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